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Triplets graduate with the 2024届毕业生

对于许多, the idea of triplets graduating at the same time from the same college is head-turning news. 然而,对于 克洛伊, 约书亚, 本杰明•特纳, it’s just part of the norm.  

“Even as kids, people reacted and thought we were unique,” Benjamin said. “Starting at Bridgewater State University at the same time and leaving at the same time...I suppose it is unique, but I think we find that reaction so interesting.”

Forget being triplets, the greater accomplishment, according to 克洛伊, is that she and her brothers are first-generation students. 

“I’m really proud that we are first-gen,”她说。. “No one in my family knew how to navigate college, but we always were connected to a strong support system of family and friends.”

Like any siblings, the Turner triplets, born Aug. 7, 2002, each have his or her own personality. 约书亚 and Benjamin are identical twins. 

“We have a lot of similarities as well as differences,” Benjamin said. “I get more nervous than Josh, he seems rather cool and confident.”

约书亚 agreed with his brother. 

“I would say that I am probably the most confident of the three of us and the most likely to make quick decisions, which can be both good and bad,他说. 

 As for 克洛伊, Benjamin said his sister is the most accomplished of the three. 

“She’s the mature one,他说. 

“I think I’m more independent because I’m the only girl, they are identical twins, so I’ve always been set apart from them,克洛伊说。. “I think I’m more of a guide for the three of us...but we all keep each other humble.”

Together the three siblings walked the stage during BSU’s commencement ceremonies held at Gillette Stadium on Saturday, 5月11日. 

克洛伊 earned majors in both English and secondary education, 约书亚 earned his degree in English, Benjamin took home a communication studies diploma. 

In their four years at Bridgewater, there was only one time when the Turners shared a class together. Despite this, just having her brothers on campus was a source of comfort for 克洛伊. 

“Knowing they were on the other side of campus if I needed them helped. At the very least I had someone I could turn to,”她说。. “They both give very different advice, so I can turn to them for their wisdom regarding different things.”

Now that they have graduated, 克洛伊 plans to pursue a career in teaching. Benjamin, who DJ’d for BSU’s WBIM 91.调频广播电台, looks to carve out a career in radio or television, 约书亚 hopes to do something that involves writing or books. 

As they prepare to go their separate ways, 克洛伊 said she feels ready for what’s next, in part because of her BSU experience. 

“I really loved Bridgewater. I met a lot of amazing people on campus and professors who encouraged me. I really enjoyed the community feel and made friends I will stay in touch with for the rest of my life,”她说。. 

No matter where they land, Benjamin said they can always lean on each other. 

“When it comes to my siblings, anytime they need help, they can always come to me,他说. “I think it’s important no matter where you end up in the world, you love people first and keep that connection with them in terms of supporting them.”

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