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Graduate Funding Opportunities

ladbrokes立博中文版研究生院致力于通过各种助学金帮助人们获得和负担得起研究生学位, grants and scholarships.

By collaborating with BSU's Financial Aid Office, 学生能够确定各种贷款机会,可以帮助抵消与研究生教育相关的成本,并获得个人咨询和支持,以更接近他们的个人和职业目标.

我们鼓励未来的研究生在开始考虑读研的时候就开始申请经济援助. 尽早申请经济援助可以确保符合条件的项目的申请人在项目开始时就有可用的资源.  For more detailed information regarding financial aid and how BSU can help, please contact our Office of Financial Aid at 508.531.1341 or

Financial Aid Resources

Free Application for Federal Student AID (FAFSA)
Federal School Code for Bridgewater State University is 002183

Information about the TEACH Grant

American Association of University WomenOne of the world’s largest sources of funding for graduate women, AAUW provides Career Development Grants for women pursuing a certificate or degree to advance their careers, change careers, or re-enter the workforce and whose bachelor’s degree was received at least five years before the award period; Fellowships for women who are international students; and Selected Professions Fellowships, which supports women in business. 


Federal Student Aid for Graduate or Professional StudentsIncludes options for and guidance on financing graduate education 

Sallie Mae (Graduate Loans): 本网站为符合条件的国内和国际研究生提供申请贷款支付硕士学位的信息. 

Note: This is not an endorsement of any of these options. Students should be aware and cautious of any scholarship foundation or company that requires an application fee, investment, processing fee, etc. Please review the Federal Trade Commission’s recommendations on how to avoid scholarship and financial aid scams.  

The following programs are eligible for Financial Aid:
Accelerated Postbaccalaureate Program (Secondary Education) Education Professional Associations & Organizations*
Teacher of Dance (all levels)
Teacher of Earth Science (5-8)
Teacher of Earth Science (8-12)
Teacher of English (5-8)
Teacher of English (8-12)
Teacher of Health, Family and Consumer Sciences (all levels)
Teacher of History (5-8)
Teacher of History (8-12)
Teacher of Mathematics (5-8)
Teacher of Mathematics (8-12)
Teacher of Music (all levels)
Teacher of Physical Education (PreK-8)
Teacher of Physical Education (5-12)
Teacher of Physics (5-8)
Teacher of Physics (8-12)
Teacher of Spanish (5-8)
Teacher of Spanish (8-12)
Teacher of Theater (all levels)
Teacher of Visual Art (PreK-8)
Teacher of Visual Art (5-12)

Postbaccalaureate Initial Licensure Education Professional Associations & Organizations*
Early Childhood Education Teacher of Students With and Without Disabilities PreK-2
Elementary Education
Health, Health/Family and Consumer Sciences PreK-12
Instructional Technology, All Levels
Physical Education PreK-8, 5-12
Early Childhood Education
Elementary Education
Educational Leadership
Health Promotion 
Instructional Technology
PreK-12 Education (for Educators in Non-U.S. Settings)
Special Education - Moderate Disabilities
Special Education - Severe Disabilities
Special Education - Non-Licensure
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Education Professional Associations & Organizations*
Creative Arts
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Master of Arts (MA)
Psychology American Psychological Association (APA) is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States.*
Master of Business Administration (MBA)  American Management Association (AMA) is a world leader in professional development, advancing the skills of individuals to drive business success*
Master of Public Administration (MPA)
Master of Science (MS)
Athletic Training  National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is a membership organization for elite strength coaches, personal trainers and dedicated researchers and educators.*
Computer Science 
Physical Education
Master of Social Work (MSW)  National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the world.*
CAGS in Reading
*JobstarsProvides a list of industries and their professional associations and organizations. These organizations often provide funding to graduate students.

The College of Graduate Studies offers a variety of scholarships to matriculated students across all disciplines. To learn more about opportunities available to graduate students, please contact Ally McVickar in Graduate Student Services. 

The School of Social Work also offers Awards and Scholarships for students pursing a Master of Social Work. Additional information about those funding opportunities can be seen here: Awards & Scholarships - Social Work

Additional Scholarship Resources

Sallie Mae (Scholarship Search Engine)这个网站要求你创建一个个人资料,以便使用他们的研究生院奖学金搜索引擎,并免费ladbrokes立博中文版850,000 graduate scholarships, worth up to $1 billion.  Your profile will include your field of study, skills, and interests. You can then set up alerts to notify you when new graduate scholarships matching your profile become available.

Note: This is not an endorsement of any of these options. Students should be aware and cautious of any scholarship foundation or company that requires an application fee, investment, processing fee, etc. Please review the Federal Trade Commission’s recommendations on how to avoid scholarship and financial aid scams.

James Madison Memorial Fellowship Program

詹姆斯·麦迪逊纪念奖学金是一项联邦计划,为历史和政府的中学教师(包括职前和在职教师)提供最高24美元的奖金,000 to complete a master’s degree in history, political science, or related fields.  

To be eligible, you must be, or plan to become, a teacher of American history, American government, or any other social studies class, teaching topics on the Constitution at the secondary school level (grades 7-12). In addition, you must be a U.S. citizen and either possess a bachelor’s degree, or plan to receive a bachelor’s degree no later than Aug. 31 of the year in which you are applying.  

In addition to receiving financial assistance for a master’s degree program, 研究员将有独特的机会参加密集的暑期学院,以加强他们对美国宪政起源和发展的了解.  

Visit to learn more.  

Voya Unsung Heroes          

Voya无名英雄奖励计划每年向K-12教育工作者提供赠款,这些教育者在课堂/学校项目中使用新的教学方法和技术来改善学习. 欢迎教育工作者提交资助申请,描述他们已经开始或想要继续的项目. Each project is judged on its innovative method, creativity, and ability to positively influence students. Each year, one hundred educators are selected to receive $2,000 each to help fund their innovative class projects. Three recipients are then selected to receive additional top awards of $5,000, $10,000, and $25,000.  

申请人必须受雇于经认证的美国K-12公立或私立学校,并且必须是全职教育工作者, teachers, principals, paraprofessionals, or classified staff with projects that improve student learning. Find out more and apply for the Voya Unsung Heroes program.

More resources to find graduate program scholarships »

研究生助教奖学金和奖学金是在竞争的基础上提供给全日制和非全日制的研究生,他们注册了研究生学位课程(硕士).Ed. or CAGS programs consisting of 30 credits or more) at Bridgewater State University. 这些机会使学生能够以显着降低的学费和费用就读研究生院,同时在大学的学术或行政部门工作,并获得两周一次的津贴.

任命是竞争性的,并由以下因素决定:本科和/或研究生的平均成绩, pertinent experience and skills, educational preparation, and interviews. 他们的目的是鼓励和帮助学生追求研究生学习和迅速完成学位要求.

Graduate Assistantships

Full Graduate Assistantships: 学生每周在学术或行政部门工作20小时,在秋季和春季学期赚取收入. Students will receive tuition and fee remission for up to 24 credits per academic year, plus a complimentary parking pass. Award valued over $17,500 available to well-qualified matriculated students taking at least nine credits. 

½ Graduate Assistantships: 学生每周在学术或行政部门工作10个小时,并在秋季和春季学期赚取收入. Students will receive tuition and fee remission for up to 12 credits per academic year, plus a complimentary parking pass. Award valued over $10,000 available to well-qualified matriculated students taking at least six credits.  

For more information about Graduate Assistantships, please email

Research Assistantships

研究生研究助理奖学金允许部分和全日制入学学生有机会与教授合作进行有意义的研究,每周最多10小时,并在秋季和春季学期赚取收入. With tuition and fee remission for up to 15 credits per academic year, the value of this award is over $10,000.

For more information about Graduate Research Assistantships, please email for more information. 

For current openings, please visit the BSU Jobs site and click on the Student tab.

The Graduate Writing Fellowship program at BSU is coordinated by  interim director, Dr. Brian Payne. For more information about this program, please feel free to contact him at

Writing Fellowships

研究生写作奖学金将部分和全日制研究生与他们的研究生项目的同龄人联系起来,为特定学科的写作提供支持. Earning a weekly income combined with tuition and fee remission for up to 15 credits, Graduate Writing Fellows receive an award valued at over $10,000.

研究生写作伙伴(GWF)是指经过培训可以与所有学科的同龄人一起工作的研究生. GWFs mostly conference with students one-on-one, and largely help with the “big picture” parts of students’ writing, as opposed to line-by-line edits: getting started on writing assignments; understanding assignments; finding resources; using other peoples’ writing in their own work; organizing papers so that they are easy to read; adhering to citation styles, and the like. Support is offered through a variety of methods, including face-to-face meetings and online communication. Having a GWF in a graduate program highlights the importance of reader feedback, drafting, and revision, which are key processes to successful disciplinary and professional writing.

How Do Graduate Writing Fellows Work With Graduate Programs?

At Bridgewater State University, GWFs work for 10 hours a week in a variety of different models, which are selected by each graduate program:

  • Referral-based: In this model, GWF服务主要提供给那些认为学生可以从写作支持中受益的教师推荐的学生.  Students can also self-refer to the GWF program.
  • Classroom-based: In this model, all students in a particular course, such as a gateway course to the graduate program or a research course, are required to attend meetings with the GWF.
  • Programmatic: In this model, students from more than one course across a program participate in the writing fellows program, meeting with a GWF at different points in their program and academic career (i.e. in their first and second year).
What Graduate Programs at BSU Are Involved in the Graduate Writing Fellows Program?

Graduate Writing Fellows are available to assist all graduate students, regardless of academic discipline. Below is a list of participating graduate programs with their respective faculty mentors:

Program Faculty Mentor Contact Email
Clinical Psychology Dr. Holly Grant-Marsney
Counselor Education Dr. Nikki Freeburg
Criminal Justice Dr. Feodor Gostjev
Public Administration Dr. Melinda Tarsi
Social Work Dr. Pamela Szczygiel
Special Education Dr. Ashley Rodrigues
TESOL Dr. Emily Spitzman
Conference Funding Award

研究生院为被录取的学生提供机会,以抵消在专业学术会议上展示研究成果的相关费用. 这些演讲为研究生提供了展示他们研究成果的机会,并与他们专业领域的ladbrokes立博中文版和研究生进行互动. These presentations can also help to compliment a graduate student’s application to doctoral programs. For more information about the Conference Funding Award, please email Ronaldo Fontes in the Office of the Dean.


Graduate Research or Creative Project Funding Grant

研究生研究或创意项目资助补助金是为正在从事研究项目或创意项目并希望申请资助以协助完成该项目的学生(个人或团体)提供的. Examples of research projects include surveys, experiments, case studies, observations, and research papers. Examples of creative projects include art, music, poems, digital artwork, and video projects.

这笔资金将用于进行研究或创造性项目所需的材料,如艺术用品, lab supplies, printing costs, or mileage to and from interviews.

This opportunity was made possible through funding from the David V. Jenkins Graduate Research Prize Endowed Fund agreement and the Bridgewater State University Foundation (BSUF). For more information about the Graduate Research or Creative Project Funding Grant, please email Ronaldo Fontes in the Office of the Dean.

Graduate Student in classroom
View this PDF for an overview of the College of Graduate Studies.
Grad students in class
View our graduate events page to RSVP to information sessions, workshops and seminars.
Movement Arts Halth Promotion Leisure Studies Classroom
Bridgewater offers competitive tuition and fees for graduate students both in and out of state.
A Studying Graduate Student
Create an account to start your application to a graduate program today!