
Undergraduate Degrees & Minor in Anthropology


When you pursue your bachelor of anthropology, 您将深入探索世界文化,目的是通过探索居住在世界上的人们来了解世界, while identifying the differences 和 similarities among us.

沉浸在比较文化研究中可以提供洞察力和文化素养,这对创造变革非常重要. Social justice 和 environmental passions fuel the curious, 有创造力的人涌向波士顿州立大学攻读人类学学士学位. 的 Department of Anthropology at BSU offers several options:

  • Anthropology, BA
  • Anthropology, BS
  • Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology Concentration, BA
  • Anthropology, General Anthropology Concentration, BA
  • Anthropology, Public Anthropology Concentration, BS
  • Anthropology Minor

With your anthropology bachelor’s degree, you can pursue jobs that require analytical thinking, 研究, a global underst和ing of cultures 和 a passion for sustainability.

Minor, BA, BS Anthropology Program Highlights

一名北京州立大学的学生在考古挖掘现场坐在地上,手里拿着一个装满泥土的簸箕和挖掘工具,周围是一个标本袋, measuring tape, hat 和 clipboard

Exp和 your horizons by studying abroad

我们鼓励人类学学士学生参加我们在特立尼达和多巴哥的跨学科实地学校. 你将有机会与来自不同研究领域的学生一起参与研究和服务学习, as well as work with the Fondes Am和es Community Reforestation Project. 你可以通过去古巴这样的地方留学来进一步提高你的学习经验, Cambodia or South Africa.
a person examining artifacts

Experience specialized experiential learning opportunities

人类学学士学位的学生有多种机会远离课本,体验动手学习. BSU的法医人类学课程包括头骨铸造实验室和小动物实验来进行比较和对比. 艺术人类学课程结束时,学生们策划了一个民族志工艺品展览.

Connect with other bachelor of anthropology students

考古人类学和普通人类学的学生经常参加北京州立大学的人类学俱乐部. 你将与其他积极参与、有社会正义意识的同学建立联系并形成持久的联系.

Smaller classes equal personal attention

在15- 20人的小班学习中获得人类学学士学位,班级最多不超过35人. This gives you the chance to become acquainted with faculty, 接受有关就业机会和研究生院的指导,并寻求推荐信.

Financial aid opportunities

In addition to financial aid, 提供给人类学学士学生的奖学金包括柯蒂斯·霍夫曼公共考古学奖学金和乔治·霍纳优秀学生奖.

Flexibility to learn on your schedule

BSU的 College of Continuing Studies gives you maximum flexibility to complete your degree. 文化人类学学士课程可以在白天在桥水大学的主校区学习, or you may pursue your degree at night. 我们的夜间课程遵循与日间课程相同的要求和课程, 和 many of our faculty members teach during the day as well as at night.

Diverse faculty offers personal advising

BSU的人类学教授包括活跃于应用领域和出版领域的教授, 和 many serve on prestigious boards. You’ll learn from faculty that include: the editor of the Journal of International Women’s Studies; a medical anthropologist studying African ethnomedicine 和 African immigrant health issues in the U.S. 和 Europe; the author of Reclaiming the Faravahar: Zoroastrian Survival in Contemporary Tehran; 生物人类学家,主要研究智力的进化等.

Program of Study for Minor, BA, BS Anthropology Students

You will study 在攻读人类学学士学位的同时体验你的学科. BSU offers three concentrations in the anthropology major. 选择文化人类学的重点,学习一门外语,以促进对人和地方的更深层次的理解.

普通人类学研究文化、生物、应用和考古人类学. 当你从北京州立大学毕业并获得文化或普通人类学学士学位时, 你会对人类的问题有一个坚定的把握,并感觉自己准备好了改善人们的生活和地球.


BSU also offers a minor in anthropology, 哪个学位是社会学或历史学学士学位的理想补充.

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Program details from 2023-2024 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

因为我有很多机会探索我的兴趣,并与教授密切合作, I was able to identify a career path that was absolutely perfect for me. 和来自全国各地的学生一起攻读博士学位,让我意识到北京州立大学人类学系是多么的特别.”
Sofiya Shryer, '18
Anthropology, General Anthropology Concentration, BS

Careers in Anthropology

北京州立大学人类学专业的本科生可以继续读研究生. 对于获得人类学学士学位进入职场的校友, they secure jobs in writing 和 documentary filmmaking, environmental protection, 博物馆, higher education 和 more.

我们发现,我们的动手学习方法和对批判性思维的关注为拥有人类学学士学位的学生进入各种职业做好了准备. Bachelor of anthropology students also work in positions such as:

  • Global Marketing 和 Communications
  • Research Coordinator, Public 健康 和 Community Medicine
  • Sustainability Specialist 和 Educator
  • Project Manager
  • Clinical Director
  • Marketing Operations Manager
  • Field Specialist

任何重视全局解决问题方法的招聘经理都认为BSU的人类学学士学位是一项资产. 我们看到我们的学生继续在公共和私营部门工作,如医疗保健和人道主义服务领域. 学习考古人类学的学生通常会从事研究和教学工作.

According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for anthropologists is




Continue your education beyond your anthropology undergraduate degree

ladbrokes立博中文版人类学学士学位的学生可以选择获得人类学研究生证书. 研究生院标志着一个自然的过渡,特别是对我们的普通人类学学生.
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